Sunday, December 30, 2007

Let's get blogging. Perntagetters Unite!

Well fellas, with the day and age that we live in I figured it was time to start a blog to help all of us keep in touch with each other, but more importantly remember why we were so freaking buff, and of course still are. So, all you OGs out there feel free to post info or pics dedicated to the rowdies from 1993 and keep the stories PG rated because i'm sure our spouses will want to get on this blog occasionally and know for themselves why you are so buff. So from the original pernatagetters of Richard (Gary, Gary Indiana, Gar-Bear, Garbonzo Beans, G) Lee, Justin (Yetter) Pond, Roger (Cez) Barrett, and Aaron (Pete, more recently Chubbs) Peterson (we went on the first Vegas trip in 1992 without any parents knowing until Kon PI busted us) to Rick (T Bear) Thompson, Randy (Rudy, way to many other nicknames to say) Garn, Jerry (Gene Simmons from KISS) Garn, Jake (Unis) Butikofer, Bryan (bizzy bee) Zollinger, Josh (Tater) Tatum, Kirk (I own you) Mace, Jeff Sessions, Wyatt Tibbitts, Nephi Allen, and even some of the oldies that have been in hiding for oh so long, like Derrick (D, B@!#$#*) Malloy, and Ben Zundel.
So boys, let the bloggin begin. Hope to hear from you all soon.